Byron Brown
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should state, from the outset, that it was my wife’s idea. While I
had heard of the town of Fort
Davis, I had never been there. Nevertheless, last summer, when
my wife and I needed a home-base while doing some research for the
book I was writing, she scoured our much used and frail map of Texas
and chose Fort
Davis for its central location (to that area of the state we were
exploring) and small size.
When we arrived one warm and bright afternoon early in July, we were
both amazed by the beauty of the place. Because the town is literally
a “mile-high”, the environment holds a distinct juxtaposition to the
rest of the surrounding west Texas desert. While Marfa,
Marathon and Terlingua
all radiate an aura of dust and heat, Fort
Davis exudes a cooler, even floral animus; even in July a sweater
is needed in the evenings. However, even more interesting was the
history of the place. The territory’s rich climate has drawn human
activity for, well, a helluva long time. The Native American pictograms
that adorn the rocks and cave walls throughout the area give evidence
of this.
The first American settlers began to drive their cattle into this
fecund land in the late nineteenth century, at the end of the American
Civil War. By the 1870s the violence that the Native Americans (mainly
Mescalero Apache and Comanche tribes) and the new settlers were hurling
at each other warranted intervention by the United States government.
Military forts were established as protection for the stage lines,
the mail routes, the railroads and, of course, those early settlers
who chose to try to scrape out a living amongst all of the chaos that
permeated the territory. A peculiar lawlessness pervaded this section
of the country at this time. If you couple the inherent violence that
persisted in the region after the Civil war with the Indian “depredations”,
the early residents had to sacrifice personal safety for the quality
of the land they had chosen. Clearly, a military presence was needed
if any claim to permanency was to be hoped for or even expected. |
Fort Davis and
its Buildings c. 1950
Photo Courtesy TXDoT |
Davis, the actual fort, not the
town, was garrisoned twice; once ante bellum and then again, post
bellum. It is the second effort that is the more successful and historical.
The famous “Buffalo
Soldiers” completed the second occupation of the fort. And, it
is the person and family of Colonel B.H. (Benjamin Henry) Grierson,
the commander of the Tenth United States Cavalry at Ft. Davis, who
exemplify the renowned history of the territory. |
Colonel Benjamin
Henry Grierson
Library of Congress |
Grierson was born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania in 1826. His family
soon moved to Illinois, by way of Ohio, and there, as a young man,
Grierson developed an eager interest in music. Indeed, before undertaking
a military career (at his wife, Alice’s instigation-a military job
offering a larger, more reliable paycheck than teaching) Grierson
had been a music teacher and even composed a campaign song for Illinois
presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln in 1860. The tune was titled,
stoically, ‘Campaign Song’.
The Civil War offered Grierson the opportunity to begin that military
service that he and his wife had discussed. Rising through the ranks
quickly, he “…rose from volunteer aide to major general of volunteers.”1
And so it was that in the spring of 1863 Grierson was ordered on
a campaign that would both promote his worth within the army and
earn him national notoriety.
B.H. Grierson did, in the spring of 1863, conduct a raid through
the Rebel stronghold of Mississippi that was as successful for himself
as it was damaging to the Confederacy. He and his initial troop
strength of 1,700 men and cavalry destroyed or damaged numerous
bridges, railways, telegraph lines, supplies and Confederate troops.
This expedition was so successful, in fact, that Grierson became
a hero to all of the northern populace. Harper’s magazine, in its
February 1865 issue, under the title of ‘Heroic Deeds of Heroic
Men’, detailed the entire raid and the publication cemented Grierson’s
fame. As Grierson wrote to his wife soon afterwards, “I, like Byron,
have had to wake up one morning and find myself famous.”1
After the war Grierson, now a colonel in the regular army,
established the Tenth United States Cavalry comprised, chiefly of
African American soldiers and their white officers. In 1869 he chose
the site for and was in command of Fort Sill in Oklahoma until 1872.
A few years afterwards he and his “Buffalo Soldiers” were transferred
to Fort Concho, (San
Angelo) Texas. There is speculation as to why Grierson was transferred
to west Texas when his
contemporaries, men like Wesley Merritt and George
Custer, were given more active assignments (Merritt became superintendent
of West Point. Custer
became, well, Custer).
The common thought is that General Philip Sheridan wanted Merritt
and Custer to
have commissions that could advance their careers and rank while
leaving Grierson in the relatively placid and certainly dry environment
of west Texas. Whatever
the reason, Grierson made the most of his assignment. As Temple
wrote in his thesis on Grierson, “An officer less energetic than
Grierson would have either…performed his work in a perfunctory manner
or clamored for a transfer to another part of the country. He (Grierson)
accepted west Texas
as a challenge.”1
Grierson was assigned as commander of Fort Davis. It was a location
that suited him and he foresaw the potential in the land. He began
to purchase large sections of west
Texas property. In part he envisioned the United States government
needing space to expand the fort and in other regards he and his
wife wanted to offer their two younger sons, Harry (Benjamin Jr.)
and George, a livelihood that did not necessitate a university’s
challenges. Their two older sons, Charles and Robert, the former
a West Point graduate who had served under his father, the latter
a medical school student, had both succumbed to a devastating mental
illness that incapacitated the both of them and required institutionalization
for the remainder of their lives.
Apache Chief
Victorio Chiricahua
wikipedia |
The assignment
to Fort Davis should have been relatively calm. However, the Mescalero
Apache chief Victorio saw to it that Grierson and his soldiers
remained active. Victorio led raids throughout Texas,
New Mexico and Mexico from 1877-1880 while Grierson and several
other American and Mexican authorities chased and hounded him throughout
the Trans-Pecos and Big Bend areas. In July of 1880, Grierson, his
son Robert (just out of high school) and a small contingent of officers
and enlisted men, engaged close to one hundred of Victorio’s warriors
in the south Texas desert. This skirmish, now called the ‘Battle
of Tenaja de las Palmas, resulted in seven dead Apaches,
many more wounded and a single soldier killed when his mount was
shot from beneath him and he could not outrun the marauding Apaches.
Although the battle had small effect on Victorio’s abilities to
continue his depredations it did mark Grierson as Victorio’s equal
in strategic, military maneuvering; Grierson had known exactly where
Victorio was headed that day and had lain in wait for him. It was
the first firefight Grierson had encountered since his Civil War
days. Although Victorio was killed later that same year by Mexican
troops, Grierson’s unrelenting and oftentimes cunning pursuit of
the renegade chief only augmented an already prestigious military
Tenth Cavalry was transferred to Arizona in 1885. With Charles hospitalized,
B.H. and Alice Grierson, along with the troops, moved to Arizona.
The sons Robert, Harry and George stayed in Fort
Davis both because the family held such large plats of land
in the area and also because the boys had become fixtures in the
community. Indeed, their large ranch home, named Spring Valley Ranch,
had been one of the larger homes in the area and many local residents
were employed in and around the ranch (Evidently, the Grierson brothers
were not experienced cowboys and needed a great deal of help taking
care of their cattle and property).
In June of 1889, while Robert Grierson was County Commissioner,
County Treasurer George Geegee stole and rode off with the $40,000
in bond monies entrusted to his keeping. He literally took flight
in the middle of the night and was never found. Strangely, his wife
remained in the Fort Davis area for several more years, all the
while denying any knowledge of her husband’s whereabouts. During
the subsequent town meeting, Robert Grierson, when he realized that
he and a few others who had signed for the bond money, would be
responsible for its repayment, “…became completely unbalanced and
The infamous Grierson mental illness had returned with a vengeance.
His brother Harry had to restrain him and then traveled with him
to Illinois where he was placed in an asylum that would be his home
for the rest of his life.
After this, Harry and George found themselves in Fort
Davis by themselves. Their beloved mother, Alice, had passed
away in 1888. In 1897 B.H. Grierson remarried. The boys’ new stepmother,
Lillian King, was not well liked and the animosity strained the
boys’ relationship with their father. Soon, Harry and George were,
in most regards, left in Fort
Davis alone. Indeed, Harry was more alone than the pair of them
as George, “ …was probably somewhat retarded. He became more and
more eccentric the older he became. Harry literally had the care
of him.”2
Harry’s marriage in 1922, because George could not stand his brother’s
attentions being slanted in any direction other than his own, ended
in divorce just a few years later.
In June 1934, at sixty-five years of age, Harry Grierson was taken
to an El Paso
hospital for dropsy. He died soon thereafter and George was left
in Fort
Davis alone with all of the family’s property. Several of the
residents had long had an eye on these prodigious holdings and George,
or rather, his property, became the target of their aspirations.
He was taken into court on a charge of “lunacy” and was soon admitted
to a mental hospital in San
Antonio. As for all of the property, Jacobson and Nored write
that many of the locals, “…simply helped themselves to what they
wanted and a good portion of the Greirson’s land holdings were sold
to friends of the court appointees.” 2
In 1935 George had his sanity issue cleared and he returned, incredulously,
to Fort
Davis where he lived the remainder of his life, “…as an eccentric
recluse.” Most likely, he had nowhere else to go.
George Grierson died in 1950 and with his passing the legacy that
had been the Grierson name in the Fort
Davis area passed with him. His father, Colonel B.H. Grierson
had not been a popular individual in the area while he lived there.
He was infamous for his use of profanity and his stern leadership
qualities did not endear him to his soldiers. Nevertheless, his
military prowess did clear the territory for those settlers who
wanted to move into Jeff Davis County.
Harry Grierson, in contrast, was well liked in Fort
Davis. An accomplished musician, like his father before him,
Harry read constantly and demonstrated keen interests in any number
of subjects. In fact, after reading about architecture and engineering,
he designed and had built a couple of bridges in Jeff Davis County.
Again, Jacobson and Nored remark that one of these bridges, called
the Rainbow Bridge, which was built on the old fort’s property,
was still in use at the time of their book’s publication in 1993.
The Grierson family left Fort
Davis better than they found it. Intelligent, determined and
with an eye always on the future the Grierson family became an integral
part of the history of the region. Colonel Grierson’s military prowess
and individual foresight allowed the territory to be opened for
future development. Prior to his arrival and subsequent military
action, prospective settlers shied away from the area because of
the threat from the Native American tribes. All of those early residents
are obliged and indebted to Grierson and his Buffalo Soldiers. Subsequently,
the town of Fort
Davis owes much to the Grierson family. Decades of accumulated
stories and memories have painted the Jeff Davis County canvas with
vivid, intriguing images. Much of what Fort
Davis is can be attributed to the Grierson name.
As usual, my wife had a prescient notion about the town. The natural
beauty of the place has drawn many into the town’s embrace for generations
and certainly we were no different. That the region’s history is
so studded with tales such as the Grierson’s only augments an already
brilliant narrative. Leave it to my wife to locate such a wonderful
© Byron Browne
Notes From Over Here March
23, 2011 Column
1. Temple, Frank Millett. Masters Thesis submitted: June, 1959 at
Texas Tech University
2. Jacobson and Nored. Jeff Davis County, Texas. Fort Davis Historical
Society. Fort Davis, Texas 1993