Bebe Former
Post Office, TX 78614
courtesy Barclay
Gibson, August 2011
History in
a Pecan Shell
named Stroman, two men opened a store here in the 1890s. One
of them was named Stroman and the other wasn't. (The man who evidently
lost the coin toss was named Perry).
The community got tired of tri-weekly mail service from Gonzales
so they applied for a post office. In 1900, the name Stroman was rejected.
The name submitted was supposed inspired by advertising signs of B.
B. Baking Powder.
After the post office opened H. R. Oakes opened a store and by 1915
Bebe had a population of twenty. The town acquired a blacksmith, a
barber, garage and a cotton gin. In 1916 local schools merged with
the Bebe school, which, in turn, merged with the Nixon
ISD in the 1940s.
After WWII as
roads and transportation improved, Gonzales
County's smaller towns lost population - Bebe was no exception. |
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and recent or vintage photos, please contact
us. |