Editor's Note:
Spanish to Go is meant to be viewed as an amusement only.
Using these phrases in real situations can erode the fragile bonds between countries
and could endanger your fragile upper lip. |
Crossing the Line
- English:
I'm sorry! I didn't know that was your sister!
- Spanish:
Disculpeme, no sabía que ella era su hermana!
- English: Where can
I get my car filled with freon?
- Spanish:
¿Adonde me pueden llenar mi cohe con freon?
- English: Excuse me,
but I'm sure if you knew what that T-shirt says in English, you wouldn't wear
it in public.
- Spanish:
Disculpeme, pero estoy seguro que si supiera lo que su camiseta dice en inglés,
no la usaría en público.
- English:
Please, call me Mr. Gringo.
- Spanish:
Por favor, nomas llamene Sénor Gringo.
- English: Yes, Officer,
I'm sure that's our Suburban, it even has the Garfield in the back window.
- Spanish:
Si, Senor Policía, estoy seguro que ese es nuestro Suburban...hasta tiene el gato
Garfield en la ventanilla de atras.
- English: ...not that
there's anything wrong with that!
- Spanish:
¡...no es que eso no este bien!
- English: I don't mean
to be an ugly American, I just happen to be an American who is ugly.
- Spanish:
No es que yo pretenda ser el tipico "americano feo", sino que soy, simplemente,
un ameicano que dehecho es feo.
- English: The pyramids
are nice, but what have you done lately?
- Spanish:
Bueno, las piramines son atractivas, pero...que más han logrado ustedes ultimanente?
- English: Can I get
mineral water with extra lithium?
- Spanish:
¿Puedo conseguir aqua mineral que tenga más litio?
- English: My eye-ear-nose
and throat doctor feeds coriander to his chihuahua.
- Spanish:
Mi otorrinolaringólogo le da de comer cilantro a su chihuahua.
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