Sign Card 1: This black and white card dates from the late 1930s and
appears to be placed well outside the city proper. Printed with no
caption, the photographer evidently decided to let the sign speak
for itself. |
Sign Card 2 was published by Don Bartels in Mc Allen with the caption:
As you travel west out of San Antonio, the busy and growing community
of Hondo Texas will greet you with these signs. |
Sign Card 3: Published by The Peterson Company, photo by Sharon Reagan.
Some landscaping has been added and the word ‘please’. This represents
a kinder, gentler Hondo. Also "through" has been spelled
out, abandoning the ‘modern’ spelling of the past. Caption reads:
This famous sign has greeted travelers through Hondo since 1930. It
has appeared in worldwide publications and on national T.V. This much-photographed
sign is the trademark of Hondo, Texas, founded in 1881, Medina County,
and 40 miles west of San Antonio on US 90. |
Sign Card 4: Nearly the same as number three, but more growth on the
shrubs. Photo by Whitney Zinsmeyer. Caption nearly the same but calls
the sign "A tourist’s photographic delight."It also says:
"Hondo, a city of 6,000 was established in 1882." |
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and vintage/historic photos, please contact
us. |