Earle's Chapel
Methodist Church and Cemetery
Courtesy Barclay
Gibson, January 2006 |
History in
a Pecan Shell
The town was named
after one M. L. Earle, who settled in the area in the late 1850s or
early 1860s. The second part of the name came from the local church
- the town's central building.
A post office was granted under the name Earl but only remained
open for a few months in 1874. The community had 40 students enrolled
in the Earle’s Chapel School in the 1890s.
Without a railroad and in a rather isolated region, Earle’s Chapel
didn't pose much of a threat to the county seat. Still, throughout
the 1930s, Earle’s Chapel maintained their school and church and still
had enough people living in the area to keep it alive. After WWII,
the population was drawn off by the larger towns and the school has
since closed.
Today only the church and cemetery remain. |
Earl, Texas
The spelling of Earle's Chapel
Thanks for the info on Earle’s Chapel, the church and community west
of Jacksonville. I couldn’t help
but notice the varied spellings used throughout your article concerning
Earle’s Chapel. The spelling should always be Earle’s instead
of Earl’s. The state of TX had the incorrect spelling on their highway
signs also, but the correct spelling is Earle. - Sincerely, Margaret
Ann Mims Moody, Liberty, TX, Great-great granddaughter of Elijah Earle,
May 01, 2006 |
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