"Site of
Fort Gates" Centennial Marker
Photo courtesy Barclay
Gibson, 2010 |
Historical Marker
(on Hwy 36 and Fort Gates St., Gatesville,
Fort Gates
the mid-1800s, Native tribes often met westward Anglo expansion in
Texas with hostilities along the frontier line. To shield settlers
from potential attack, the U.S. Army established a static line of
outposts form the Rio Grande northward to the Red River. Few early
settlements existed in this vast, unprotected area created from the
Milam Land District (formerly Robertson’s Colony). After the Mexican-American
War (1846-1848), Fort Gates, the last of a cordon of stockaded fortifications
across Texas at the time, was established
to defend area settlers. The U.S. Army erected the post, named for
Mexican-American War veteran Maj. Collinson Reed Gates of the 4th
U.S. Infantry, about five miles southeast of present day Gatesville
on Oct. 26, 1849. Four companies of the 8th U.S. Infantry Regiment
manned Fort Gates’ 17 buildings. Very soon after the garrison was
established, many of the families in upper Milam
County moved here. As a result, the post served as the nucleus
for the settlement of the surrounding area. The post ably performed
in lessening the threat of attacks from Native tribes. With its primary
objective accomplished, the U.S. Army transferred the garrison to
Fort Phantom Hill
(Jones County) in March 1852 and officially closed Fort Gates in February
1853. In 1853, O.T. Tyler, an early Fort Gates settler, began to organize
a county government. Settlers convened and signed a petition to the
Texas House of Representatives, and on February 4, 1854, Gov. Elisha
M. Pease signed legislation creating Coryell
County. Fort
Gates served as the county seat until May 27, 1854, when the county
clerk transferred archives to Gatesville,
the new seat of government.
(2006) |
Centennial Marker:
Site of Fort
settlement in Coryell
County. Established by Brevet Colonel W. R. Montgomery, 8th U.S.Infantry
October 26, 1849, on the military post road between Austin
and Fort Graham as a protection of the frontier against hostile Indians.
Named in honor of Collinson R. Gates, gallant officer in the Mexican
War. Abandoned in March 1852, as the frontier line had advanced further
westward. Used as a place of defense by settlers during Indian raids.
First county seat of Coryell
County, February 4 - May 27, 1854 when Gatesville
was established.
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