Kansas Ghost Town
Clark County
Highway 283
3 Miles N of the Oklahoma/ Kansas State Line
50 Miles S of Dodge
Population: 104 (2000)
Hotels |
History in
a Sunflower Kernel
from 1884, Englewood’s pioneers had high hopes judging by their would-be
slogan of “The “Veritable New Chicago of the Great Southwest.” At
the very least, they were indeed SW of Chicago. Englewood was on the
cattle trail to Dodge City and the first stop in “cililization” after
leaving the Indian Territory.
The town was self-sufficient in 1886 when it had most essential business
– including a newspaper but national economic uncertainty affected
the self-proclaimed “New Chicago” and a drought didn’t help. People
left so quickly that (if the town had had electricity) no one would’ve
turned out the lights.
Ownership of the town lots was so confused that it hampered new settlement.
One well-intentioned rancher (who had a notarized deed to his holdings)
made the magnanimous offer to relocate the town on his land which
he had platted streets and lots.
The year was 1906 and the solution was a win-win situation, albeit
a short-lived one. In 1908 a fire burned most of the town’s fledgling
businesses to cinders. Disheartened residents left. In 1990 a mere
100 residents were clinging to the dream of a New Chicago – and by
2003 it had only increased by four. |
Abandoned (Sinclair?)
gas station in Englewood, Kansas
Courtesy Stephen Michaels, December 2007
More Gas Stations |
Englewood Grain
Coutesy Stephen Michaels, December 2007
More Grain
Elevators |
A combine with
a "frosted-glass" door
Photo Courtesy Stephen Michaels, December 2007 |
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