TENT CITY, 1952,
Wheelus Field, Tripoli Libya
Photo courtesy Ken
Rudine |
would make me age 33 in the year of 1964. Born and raised north
of White Oak Bayou, Houston
Texas the center of my World was more exactly 7th Street and
In 1968 a Swiss man, Erich Von Daniken published a book titled "Chariots
of the Gods" which gave an alternate view of the Bible's description
of the arrivals of God. Today we associate noise and flames with
rockets landing or lifting off. That book launched an army of investigators
to prove or disprove Von Daniken's theories. The Visitors were highly
intelligent and taught the locals how to make plans, then build.
Theorists have found evidence of these visitors impact all over
the World. Often those signs took the form of pyramids. In 1979
I was interested and climbed the pyramid at Chichen Itza . Apparently
the use of the word God by locals was an attempt to describe a special
rocket landing. With a very limited vocabulary perhaps properly
described, the locals should have said "Rocket Ships brought Visitors
from the Galaxy".
In the last week of 1950 the Korean War effort caused me to join
the USAF. During my first year I was investigated for TOP SECRET
clearance, educated in cryptology and transferred to USAF Security
Service (USAFSS) under the leadership of Lt. Hector Quintanilla.
He was ordered to shut down Project Blue Book in 1969 because it
had become an Air Force dilemma.
After my training at San
Antonio's Brooks AFB in 1952 I was shipped to Wheelus Field,
Tripoli Libya. My work there as an analyst in our Top Secret mission.
For 18 months our 34th Radio Squadron Mobile slept in a tent city
and drank water from a Lyster Bag, and we had a permanent latrine.
One day out of the clear blue sky a driver offered to check out
a 6 BI truck to transport us 10 off duty analysts to what he stated
was an old Roman city. We traveled an hour east along the Mediterranean
coast to reach the ruins. Leptis Magma was a Phoenician city built
in 700 BC. Looking at the construction it is obvious it was the
result of the use of planning and unknown machines. The men must
have had knowledge of levitation to place the heavy stone shapes
properly. As I photographed and walked thru this site, my mind was
filled with questions of how locals were able to build this complex
city? Then I noticed Leptis Magna also had a latrine. Only recently
have I discovered my photo that shows their latrine. It had"Key-hole"shaped
openings about 4 feet apart. I recall seeing a row of about 30 "key-hole
shaped" openings. This would accommodate 30 adults sitting simultaneously
to void. In front of each keyhole is a floor to place your feet.
In front of that floor is a ~ 6" wide by ~ 6" deep channel. If level,
it possibly held running water. That water could be directed to
wash away their deposit of human excretion.
Group on break
going to Leptis Magna, 1952
Photo courtesy Ken
Rudine |
have the advantage of old age to be able to put 2 points of history.
2 years apart in time - next to each other. In 1945 the Atomic Bomb
was tested in New Mexico. Then two of those bombs were dropped on
Japan. The Japanese surrendered immediately ending WW2.
In 1947, known as the Roswell Event, a visiting UFO crashed. The UFO
crash was in the vicinity of ground zero of the Atomic Bomb testing.
The connection of these two events must be accepted. In 2013 I made
a photograph in Yosemite, CA that
accidentally included 2 UFOs. This photo proved their existence
to me. I offer no conclusion. This is just a report of strange happens
observed during my life experiences. |