County Farm Road 835 9 Miles SE of Lubbock
Surface Acres of Water |
Buffalo Springs
LakeKnowledge of
the springs was, of course, known to the various Indian tribes who used it. In
the 1870s it became known to the buffalo
hunters. In 1877 a dugout residence was built by the Causey brothers and their
relative stability attracted ranchers
and settlers. The springs had been on the S.I. Johnson Ranch.
In the late
1920s, the Buffalo Lakes Association was formed when J.A. Wilson dammed the canyon.
this initial development, boating, fishing, camping, and swimming attracted visitors
and in the late 1950s, Lubbock County Water Control and Improvement bought over
1,600 acres around Buffalo Lake. The springs continue to flow, despite being inundated
by the lake.
As Lubbock
waters its lawns, the water then settles into the aquifer – recharging it and
therefore recharging the flow of the springs.
A million people are said
to visit the lake each year.
Buffalo Springs Lake Area Destinations: LubbocK
County Towns & Ghost Towns
Where to Stay: Lubbock
Hotels | |