Books by
Michael Barr
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you've ever wondered about the quiet stand of lanky pine trees behind
Fischer and Wieser's Das Peach Haus and Dietz Distillery on US Highway
87 South, you're not alone. It's another strange and wonderful oddity
that makes the Texas
Hill Country such a fascinating place.
J. B. Wieser planted those trees. Born in Germany in 1888, he grew
up on the edge of the Black Forest. At age 26, tired of having to
report for the Kaiser's military maneuvers, he immigrated to America.
Pine trees behind
Fischer and Wieser's Das Peach Haus and Dietz Distillery on US Highway
87 South
courtesy Michael
Barr, October 2022 |
He wasn't a typical
immigrant. He was an educated man. He was proud and dignified. He
stepped off the boat in Galveston
wearing a frock coat and a silk top hat, determined to make his mark
in the world.
He went to work at a flour mill in Hamilton
County owned by a relative, but he had bigger plans. He quickly
mastered English, studied law and received his law degree, one month
before the U.S. entered WWI.
After passing the bar he hung his shingle in Hamilton,
Texas, but anti-German feelings there were quite strong when WWI
began. So he moved to a friendlier atmosphere in
Fredericksburg and settled into the life of a lawyer, businessman,
county judge and unconventional farmer.
In 1928 J. B. Wieser planted a peach orchard on the family farm south
of Fredericksburg.
He is one of Gillespie
County's peach pioneers. Later he planted apple trees, pear trees
and thousands of pine trees.
Fruit trees made sense, but why plant a field of useless pine trees?
I wondered if he was motivated by memories of his home near the Black
"I doubt it," his son Mark Wieser told me. "He never spoke of the
Black Forest. He just liked trees." |
Fischer and
Wieser's Das Peach Haus and Dietz Distillery among pine trees
courtesy Michael
Barr, October 2022 |
"He bought pine
trees from Texas A&M. The school offered bundles of pine trees for
$5 in the late 40s. I was told he planted 4,000 pine trees out on
Goehmann Lane, but they all died."
Then in 1948 J. B. Wieser planted 2,000 pine trees in a sandy field
on a rise above the farmhouse 2 miles south of Fredericksburg. Most
of them died. The trees that lived are the ones we see today.
"He hired a Mr. Fritz to plant them," Mark explained. "Mr. Fritz used
a sharpshooter and simply thrust it into the ground (all sand), shoved
it forward a bit and slipped a seedling behind the shovel. He planted
the whole field that way."
"A lot of the trees died for lack of water and even more died in the
years that followed. Those in the deeper sands left by the dust storms
did best. My dad died in 1960, but by then there was the beginning
of quite a forest."
"So many seedlings sprouted that we gave away thousands to those who
asked. Other people came to gather pine cones for Christmas decorations."
A pine forest
by the lake in the Hill Country
courtesy Michael
Barr, October 2022 |
J. B. Wieser's
motivation for planting a pine forest in the Hill Country was something
of a mystery even to his family. "My mother often wondered why he
planted them in that field since it cut off the prevailing southern
winds that drove our windmill," Mark Wieser added. "It was our only
source of water until submersible pumps came along."
The pine trees are beautiful but vulnerable. "Today we have no seedlings,"
Mark explained, "and the big trees are in stress. The drought is taking
its toll. I counted 5 trees behind Dietz Distillery that will need
to be cut down. To conserve water in droughts pine trees loose needles.
We are in a drought now. Some trees may not make it."
Whether by design or by accident, that stand of trees has become one
of the more alluring spots in the Hill
Country - a great place to stroll along the lake (yes there really
is a small lake back there) or park your keister in a chair and watch
the clouds float by. I hope it survives.
Just imagine what we would have missed if J. B. Wieser hadn't planted
those useless pine trees.
I think he knew what he was doing all along. |