to Make a Million and Retire Early by
Peary Perry | |
must have been absent the week they handed out instructions on how to make a million
and retire early. Seems to me I might have been sick that week, but I don't really
remember. They should have had a makeup class or something. I suppose it's too
late to sue anyone, but I should look into it anyway. Were you there? Did you
learn anything? Maybe we should think about a class action lawsuit.
said all of that, I am left with my own wits to come up with some scheme to relieve
me of my daily toil and trouble and allow me to live the rest of my days in the
lap of luxury. Or if not in the lap of luxury, then maybe on the couch of getting
by without much work.
It's way too late for me to try and become a doctor
or a lawyer. I can't make an Indian chief either since I'm not qualified. I can't
teach, so that's not an option. Not smart enough to design any type of electronics.
Too naïve to be a politician. Too old to be in the Army.
So, that leaves
me with the options of trying to think up something clever to do in business that
no one has thought of before. However, most of my good ideas have already been
taken. For example, some years ago, I thought up an idea for making computers
work faster and easier, but Bill Gates beat me to the punch on that one. I remember
I was stalled trying to get a grip on something those guys call 'code' or 'programming'.
I could have been rich by now if I had gotten past that little hurdle. Same thing
with video games and microwaves…. I had an idea for those years ago, but can't
remember what it was that stopped me from finishing my design work. Another lost
opportunity. I wonder if someone has been stealing my ideas?
Well, here's
one I'm letting you in on right now, you look for this to come out since I'm certain
it will be hot. I'll bet I'll have all kinds of folks swarming over what I'm about
to tell you. This will rank right up there with the HulaHoop. Or maybe delivery
pizza, take your pick.
Ready for this?
Ok, bear with me while
I explain this novel concept. In the mornings, you go to a donut shop to pick
up donuts, right? You don't go there in the afternoon, do you? Of course not.
So, what does a donut maker do in the afternoon? Nothing, right?
In the
afternoon you go to a place that makes tamales, right? But what does a tamale
shop guy do in the morning? Nothing again, right?
So, why not have a store
that sells donuts until noon and a tamale shop that sells tamales in the afternoon?
Looks to me like that would be a winner. Have people coming in all times of the
day rather than just half a day. Better use of the store and the help doesn't
have to work part time.
Now, while I'm thinking about this ingenious concept
I get another brainstorm…why not design the space so that you could also sell
fireworks on the fourth of July and New Years, and the other half of the place
sell Christmas tree decorations? I mean this is kind of a blend of several products
available year around for the benefit of the American consumer. How can you lose
on this idea? Kind of a mini-mall with just one stop.
Instead of having
four stores selling stuff at different times of the day and year, we have just
one store selling all four products in one location. We could throw in a dry cleaners
and a film drop off as well. Might even branch out into making copies for businesses.
How about some little mailboxes for rent? Have your car washed while you order
your donuts or tamales to be sacked up after you drop off your cleaning and are
checking your mail?
I just need to think up a name for this kind of a
deal. If you have any suggestions, let me know.
I wonder how I can get
my hands on a gas pump and some washers and dryers? Stay tuned, this could be
big….you heard it first right here.
© Peary Perry Letters
From North America
August 25, 2006 column
Syndicated weekly in 80 newspapers Comments go to
www.pearyperry.com | | |