don’t know about you, but by the time my giddy up gets up and gone,
I’m worn out and ready to head for the barn. It seems to me that
each and every day gets shorter and shorter and I have more and
more to accomplish. I envy people who seem to have extra time on
their hands.
Like a group of people who have formed an organization to prevent
abuse to vegetables. Read that again….I said there is an organization
that has been formed to prevent abuse to vegetables. These people
wish to raise the status of vegetable to the same level as animals
and limit any cruel treatment to them.
They point out that raising organic carrots is a cruel method since
the vegetables are not protected from pests and insects by the benefits
of pesticides. Raising vegetables organically means they are sometimes
actually ‘eaten alive’.
This group also promotes the use of sterile, sharp cutting blades
to end the unnecessary suffering, pain and agony to vegetables as
they are being harvested. I feel their pain. I’m sure you do as
Oddly enough this issue came up today on one of the daily talk show
programs and this time it was about the cruelty of cutting flowers.
The gist of the story was that flowers can feel pain and that we
should cease cutting roses for Valentines Day or Mothers day and
just leave the blooms alone. The talk show host went one step further
and asked if these people considered walking on the grass to be
harmful as well. After all you would think grass has feelings as
well and would probably resent being stepped upon. I don’t know
just how you would go about determining if this is true or not,
but I feel certain there is someone out there who can tell us if
grass has emotions.
I’d rather not know, if you don’t mind.
So, you know
when you put these two groups together with the groups that won’t
eat meat, fish or fowl, it pretty well leaves you wondering just
what do some folks eat? From the looks of some of our ever enlarging
citizens not everyone is holding to this philosophy. I have to admit
I have eaten a lot of vegetables in my day and never once have I
ever thought about whether they (the vegetables) liked it or not.
When our kids were young, my wife would buy us a couple of lobsters
and then throw them in the pool. The kids played with them for hours
and never once asked what happened to them. I don’t think it crossed
their minds that their playmates were on the table those nights.
They (my kids) don’t seem to be suffering from any long term emotional
problems with our practice of eating just about anything. None of
them have ever been in any trouble, so I think I can safely say
that what we fed them didn’t create any type of criminal mentalities.
I recall once of them hated liver and other didn’t like oatmeal,
but I don’t think either one swore off of vegetables or anything
else. So it must not have been too hard on them.
Back to my question, if you don’t eat meat, fish or fowl or vegetables
and I presume fruit (apples must feel pain?) then what do you eat?
Worms? No, they live and breathe. Dirt? Well I guess you could,
but then you’d be eating all of those little tiny microbes that
we see in the commercials that tell us to keep washing our hands.
That brings up another point. You think the folks that are against
vegetables ever wash their hands? Or their teeth for that matter?
Every night I am besieged with commercials showing me all of the
bacteria that accumulates on my hands and in my mouth that needs
to be removed.
Don’t germs have feelings as well?
There’s a project
for someone with too much time on their hands. Start up an organization
to protect the rights of all of the silent germs.
I would bet you a dollar someone would be willing to donate real
money to support this cause.
The sad part about it is I believe a lot of these people vote.