corner lot along a creek
but more
a place of trees
and wild abandonment
where looks were like
it was in history
before city streets and houses
spread across the landscape
now the land lays slaughtered
by merciless earth equipment
sent in to slay the trees and clear the land
trees who lay on their sides
like great fallen giants
soon bulldozers will come in and
push them into a pile
to be carted off to the landfill
the land which once held beauty
will succumb to being just another leveled lot
more apartments will go up
and in a short time no one will remember
how the land looked before
or how it held onto the wild
for so long until
it became just another city block
a place forgotten to all
except to those who loved it then
when it was a sanctuary for nature
and a place of beauty
a place that will be forgotten in time
yet freeze framed forever
in a little corner
of a memory.