on a First-name Basis
by Luke Warm |
Of the roughly
3,000 town names on the official
state map, over 400 of them are first names. Nearly all the familiar
names are there, as well as a few exotic or archaic ones. Towns
were named after founders, settlers, first postmasters and storkeepers
(often the same person), heroes, politicians, railroad engineers,
railroad officials, surveyors, lawmen and at least one ranchhand.
Many were named after women, although the ratio of male-named towns
outnumbers towns named after women 242 to 175. |
Named after Male first names: (242)
Abner, Ace, Adrian, Albert, Alexander, Alfred, Allen, Alton, Alvin,
Ambrose, Andres, Andy, Angus, Anson, Anthony, Antonio, Arney, Art,
Arthur, Asa, Augustus, Austin, Bailey, Barry, Bedford, Benjamin, Bernard,
Betram, Bob, Boyd, Brad, Brady, Brice, Brooks, Bruce, Bryan, Bryce,
Buck, Buford, Burgess, Burke, Burton, Calvin, Cameron, Carey, Carl,
Carlos, Carson, Carter, Carey, Charles, Charlie, Chester, Clark, Claude,
Clay, Clayton, Cleo, Clint, Clyde, Coy, Craig, Curtis, Dale, Dalllas,
Dalton, Damon, Dan, Daniel, Davy, Dean, Dell, Dennis, Denny, Dewey,
Dexter, Diego, Donie, Douglas, Doyle, Dudley, Dwight, Earle, Eddy,
Edgar, Elbert, Elgin, Elliot, Elmo, Elton, Ely, Enoch, Ephriam, Erwin,
Esteban, Everett, Ewell, Felipe, Fernando, Floyd, Forrest, Fostoria,
Frank, Franklin, Fred, Frederick, Gabriel, Gary, George, Glen, Glenn,
Graham, Grant, Gregg, Gus, Guy, Hamlin, Hampton, Harrold, Henry, Herbert,
Herman, Hiram, Howard, Iago, Ike, Ira, Irby, Ivan, Jack, Jacob, Jake,
James, Jasper, Jay, Jeff, Jim, Jimmy, Joaquin, Joel, John, Jose, Joshua,
Juan, Jud, Justin, Keith, Kelly, Kent, Kermit, King, Knox, Kyle, Lamar,
Laurel, Laurence, Lee, Leo, Leon, Leland, Leonard, Leroy, Lewis, Lloyd,
Lorenzo, Luis, Luther, Marco, Marshall, Mart, Martin, Marvin, Matthew,
Maurice, Melvin, Milburn, Miguel, Miles, Milton, Mitchell, Monroe,
Morris, Morton, Neal, Newt, Newton, Nolan, Norman, Oliver, Ollie,
Oscar, Otis, Patrick, Paul, Pedro, Perry, Preston, Quanah, Ralph,
Randall, Ray, Raymond, Reagan, Rex, Ricardo, Riley, Rob, Roddy, Roland,
Roscoe, Roy, Rudolph, Rush, Russell, Ryan, Scott, Sherman, Sidney,
Silas, Solomon, Sterling, Sylvester, Taylor, Temple, Terrell, Thomas,
Travis, Trent, Troy, Valentine, Van, Vernon, Vicente, Victor, Vincent,
Warren, Washington, Wayne, Weldon, Wendell, Wesley, Whon, Willard,
William, Wilson, Winfield, Wylie, Ygnacio
See Texas Towns A to Z »
Named after Female names: (175)
Ada, Adell, Ady, Agnes, Alice, Althea, Aldine, Allison, Alma, Amanda,
Amelia, Amy, Angelina, Anna, Anneta, Ashley, Aubrey, Audrey, Augusta,
Aurelia, Aurora, Bebe, Belle, Bess, Bessie, Bettie, Bettina, Beverly,
Beulah, Bonnie, Bonita, Camilla, Caterina, Celeste, Charlotte, Chita,
Clairette, Crystal, Daphne, Davilla, Dawn, Delia, Della, Desdemona,
Diana, Dixie, Delores, Donna, Dora, Ebony, Edna, Elba, Elena, Elizabeth,
Ella, Ellen, Elmina, Eloise, Elsa, Emma, Emory, Eola, Era, Erna, Estelle,
Etta, Eula, Eunice, Fairlie, Fairy, Fate, Fay, Flo, Flora, Florence,
Frances, Francitas, Gail, Gayle, Geneva, Gladys, Grace, Gustine, Helena,
Hilda, Holly, Hope, Hub, Ida, Ilka, Inez, Iola, Irene, Isabel, Jane,
Jean, Jewell, Jo, Josephine, Joy, Joyce, June, Karen, Kate, Katherine,
Katy, LaRose, Lela, Leigh, Leila, Lena, Leona, Lesley, Lillian, Lillie,
Linn, Lissie, Lois, Lolita, Lora, Lorena, Lorraine, Lotta, Lou, Louisa,
Lydia, Lynn, Madison, Margaret, Margarita, Maria, Marion, Martha,
Mary, Maud, May, Melissa, Mercedes, Merle, Merrill, Mildred, Minerva,
Mona, Monica, Mozelle, Myra, Myrtle, Nancy, Natalia, Nell, Ola, Olga,
Olive, Orla, Pansy, Patricia, Paulina, Pearl, Peggy, Penelope, Perlita,
Polly, Ramona, Rebecca, Rhoda, Rosely, Rosita, Rowena, Roxana, Sarita,
Thalia, Thelma, Velma, Vera, Victoria, Viola, Violet, Vivian, Winnie,
and Zella
© John Troesser
December 20, 2004 Column
See Texas Towns A to Z » |
The Naming
of Texas Towns