Texas Forum
About Dixieland Texas
Have just discovered an autobiography written by C.A. Gibbs who
was born in 1885 in MO. He writes about Dixieland, TX in about 1912.
"Mr. Oates and Roy had been away 3 or 4 days. They had missed some
cattle, some branded (lazy Y) and some branded W so they had been
checking with all the ranchers over west along the river. When they
returned Roy said that they had stayed one night at the Jeans ranch.
Jeans had been operating a ranch for years. It was located in east
of Dixieland and Roy and Mrs. Oates knew the whole family as they
used to get their supplies and mail at Dixieland when Mrs. Oates
was postmaster there. The Jeans family were quite a family and had
a large ranch house. There was Mr. and Mrs. Jeans, 3 daughters and
one son. The oldest daughter, Annie was about 28 and had been teaching
school for years in the Carlsbad City school. Next was Agnes, about
20. The youngest daughter was about 18 and the boy about 16. Annie
was quite a practical person. She had invested her money in cattle
and had a nice herd. She and her father were sorta pardners and
Annie was a great entertainer. She was always giving house parties
and dances."
Taken from "Napahoe Titanofa; (Picture Man) written by Chester A.
Gibbs 1885-1964
- Jack Russell Allen, July 15, 2004
Dixieland was
an early oil boom town. The field there was also [named] Dixieland.-
Buck Gosch, March 29, 2004
my great-grandfather, Rufus Patterson Hicks, was living in Dixieland
in 1908 when my great-aunt and her twin brother were born, because
the Tx Gen Web lists an index to Reeves County Births, 1903-1909,
with the birth information for them on it. - Sonya Rama, October
13, 2011
I have a post
card addressed to "Miss Celinda Newton" Dixieland, Texas. postmarked
1908. Ms. Newton was a school teacher in Porterville,
Tx . It appears that they must have used this mailing address
before there was one closer.
Ms. Newton is mentioned in the Porterville
history, Loving
County, TX online. She was a sister to Mrs. Floyd Goodrich,
longtime residents of that area. They were from near here in MI.
I am into a study of Porterville. - Larry Randall, Springport, Michigan,
March 17, 2005
1907 Reeves
County postal route map showing
the relative location of Dixieland, Orla
and Pecos
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