History in
a Cedar
Exile post office was in operation in 1890 on the ranch of W. C. Lee.
Lee was the postmaster of the town that was jokingly named for its
isolation and distance from civilization.
In 1896 the combination church-school had an enrollment of fifty-six
students with one teacher. The church moved south to the Heard community
school where it was known as the Dry Frio Baptist Church.
The town was reportedly abandoned in the mid-1940s. No cemetery or
location is shown on TXDoT maps. |
Exile Texas
Exile Cemetery & Schoolhouse
I live on the Frio Cielo Ranch. This is a homeowner's association
that was formed years ago from a working ranch. Fence lines have
moved over the years.
The Exile cemetery does exist, and I can see it from my property
line. Exile did have a schoolhouse that burned down, according to
an elderly lady I am in contact with. When the weather cools, she
said she would go with me to tell what she could remember about
Exile. The school was right next to the cemetery. The cemetery is
not on the Frio Cielo Ranch. It is accessible through a private
ranch next to our fence line.
As I was speaking to the lady who told me she went to school at
Exile before it burned down, her husband chimed in and told me he
went to school there also. I hope to visit them together again soon.
There was a post office before it burned down, but from what I understand,
Exile really was not a town as we think of a ghost town being. It
was a community. I will learn more from this elderly couple and
be glad to share the info with you when I do. - Dave Lawrence, July
05, 2005
Exile, Ghost Town
I found out about the town called Exile today while I was at my
mother's house. She lived on the Frio Cielo Ranch which I found
out used to be the town of Exile. I came home and looked on the
internet and found your site.
I saw on your site that TXDoT maps did not identify a cemetery.
There is a cemetery for the town of Exile on the Frio Ceilo Ranch.
One of the other residents of the ranch and I were talking and he
told me about it. I will be going back up on Friday Aug 13 and plan
on going to the cemetery and taking pictures. I would love to share
them with you and any other information I uncover. Thanks - W Heine,
August 08, 2004
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and recent or vintage photos, please contact
us. |