"The Crabb
home place just east of Seymore on Reilly Springs Road. Just East
of Hwy 154.
The road led to Reilly Springs."
1950 Photo courtesy Mary Ellen Ledford |
History in
a Pecan Shell
Seymore, the community’s namesake arrived in the mid 1860s and is
one of, if the first settler in this part of Hopkins
County. Little history is available until just after the turn
of the (20th) century, although there had been a school in place,
dating from the late 1880s.
The community had a store from the early 1900s and the Baptist Church
was organized in 1914. A school reported nearly 100 pupils and at
its peak, the Seymore community had three stores.
Proximity to Sulphur
may have curtailed growth, but without a railroad connection, Seymore
was destined for a limited populace.
Postwar progress
lured away residents and the school merged with those in Sulphur
Springs. By the mid 1960s the post office and stores had closed
and only the cemetery and church were left. It has been designated
a “dispersed rural community” since the 1980s.
Seymore, Texas
Old Photos
Courtesy Mary Ellen
Ledford |
Seymore Grade
School 1940-41
Click on photo for large image
Photo courtesy Mary Ellen Ledford |
Class Photo
Seymore Grade School 1940-1941
on ground left to right:
Kenneth Ray Douglas, Rayburn Payne and Aubrey Jenkins
Next row left to right (Girls):
Geraldine Payne, Mary Jo Ross, Mary Ellen Crabb, Laverne Tolleson,
Patsy Ruth Jenkins, Nawanna Lee Douglas Cook, Mary Jones, Bonnie
Thomas, Sylvia "Doe Doe" Sartin, Martha Thomas and ??? Smith
Next row left to right (Boys):
Freddy Burt Noles, Billy Locke Moore, "Dutch" Newsome,
Troyce Ross, James Ralph Jenkins, Melvin "Red" Dunham, Truman Beesinger,
Billy Thomas, Billy Wayne Funderburk, James Edward Sheffield, Dovie
"Chigger" Sartin, James Tolleson and J.T. Gammill (died in a 1944
car wreck).
Next row left to right(mostly girls):
Boy behind Freddy Burt Noles, Dorman Williams, Dorothy Tolleson,
Geneva Jenkins, Mary Helen Frasier, Mary Lula Noles, Harvey Harrington,
Annie Mae Whisenant (teacher in "little" room [died June 2011]),
Mattie Lee Crabb, Mary Jim Sartain, Mary Lou Gammill, Melba Terrell
and Dorothy Jones... Harvey Harrington behind Mary Helen Frazier
and Mary Lula Noles (teacher in "big" room).
Teachers: Harvey Harrington and Annie Mae Whisenant.
"The Seymore
School shown during a reunion in October of 2005."
Photo courtesy Mary Ellen Ledford |
Twins Lonnie
& Nonne Crabb. Born 1894. "She was teacher at Union and Seymore
later. Photo ca 1918 taken just prior to my Father's entering WWI." |
Mae Crabb Bullock
Teacher (Big Room) of the Seymore School
"She was the twin sister to my father Lonnie Ray Crabb"
1945 Photo courtesy Mary Ellen Ledford |
Seymore School Teacher Irene Shelton
Photo courtesy Mary Ellen Ledford |
Seymore Teacher
Evelyn Christene Cain
1949 Photo courtesy Mary Ellen Ledford |
"The car
is a black Ford belonging to one of the teachers. I think it was Evelyn
Christine Cain. My brother Joe is shown here combing his hair in his
reflection off the chrome bumper." "My brother Joe Murray
Crabb was born 12 25 1935, died Jan 1987 in Arkansas."
- Mary Ellen Ledford. 1947 Photo |
"My parents,
Lonnie Ray Crabb (born 1894) and Lola Bell Green (born 1907) 1925
/ 6, prior to their marriage in 1927."
Photo courtesy Mary Ellen Ledford |
Lola, Mattie, Mary & Joe Crabb - Lived in Seymore from late 1935 to
1951, sold Crabb Home place 1952."
1943 Photo courtesy Mary Ellen Ledford |
Lee Crabb at Seymore Grade School, 3rd grade
Photo circa 1937 |
M.Crabb 3 yrs old
1938 photo |
School picture of me, Mary Ellen Crabb, born March, 1934. I married
Jack Ledford in 1952 - one year after graduation from Sulphur Springs
Senior High." |
"Mary Ellen
Crabb in front yard of the Crabb Home place, 100 acres of farm and
timber land."
1949 Photo courtesy Mary Ellen Ledford |
The little town
of Seymore
cain't be seen no more, it's true
It got passed over by the railroad
and they closed the local school
They had a country store one time
and a church that filled with Baptists
But the pace got slow, as we all know
slower than cane molasses
Old Seymore cain't be seen no more
but I guess it could be worse
it's still here, but known Officially as
"Rural Community, Dispersed".
© d.knape
August 8, 2012 |
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and recent or vintage photos, please contact
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