is the northern most town in Robertson County. If you're looking for
Bremond, look for the center of the imaginary triangle formed by Houston,
San Antonio and
Worth. It's almost right in the middle.
History in
a Pecan Shell
Named after Paul
Bremond, who was killed in the Texas Revolution, the land went to
his widow and then changed hands several times before William
Marsh Rice (yes, that one) had the town surveyed. Rice was one
of the investors who immediately granted a right-of-way to the railroad.
In this case it was the Texas Central Railway. The time was August
1869 and by June the next year, the first train pulled in.
The town was incorporated in 1870.
1878, Francis Marion Wootan dug a well three miles west of Bremond
and noticed that the water turned his dishes yellow. He had it analyzed
and when he found it's high mineral content he started bottling it.
Other wells were dug and Wooten Wells fast became a resort.
A mule-drawn narrow-gage railway brought clients from Bremond and
during its heyday, Wootan Wells had four hotels, a resident population
of hundreds and numerous businesses catering to the thousands of summer
visitors. Francis Wootan became the postmaster for what used to be
his farm. Celebrated guests included Governor
Hogg and his wife and daughter Ima. (There never was a Ura).
But nothing lasts forever and a quadruple-whammy hit Wootan Wells.
First Marlin started drawing off
customers, and then there was a succession of drought, flood and fire.
The town was nearly gone after a 1916 fire (the same year as the huge
Paris fire) but the water was still
bottled as late as 1926 when another fire totally obliterated the
little that was left.
Bremond's population waxed and waned, and the fluctuations of Wooten
Wells' population must certainly have had some effect on Bremonds.
In the 1870s, just before the guests started coming to "take the waters"
in Wootan Wells, hundreds of Poles immigrated to Bremond to grow cotton.
Today Bremond's 1,200 or so people equal that of the population during
the 20s and 30s. The lowest figures were for the 1890 census when
it dipped to 387. |
L - Bremond's
cotton heritage is still evident
R - A former "corner store"
TE photos, 2000 |
courtesy Dane Williams Collection |
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and recent or vintage photos, please contact
us. |