Steamplow in
Bishop's earliest days
courtesy Betty Sue Creech-Perry
More Bishop Old Photos |
History in
Pecan Shell
Bishop was originally
part of the Driscoll Ranch.
F. Z. Bishop, a businessman from Corpus
Christi, bought acreage in 1910 and formed a town that he modestly
named after himself.
Bishop was a planner and had electrical, telephone and sewage systems,
paved streets, and sidewalks in place before the first lots were sold.
A hotel and several residences were erected, and a $16,000 store and
office building was opened. In September 1910, when the first school
opened in a three-room frame building, sixteen children were enrolled.
Enrollment increased to sixty by the end of the term.
In 1923 bishop sold 30,000 bales of cotton
- which brought in over $4,000,000.
In 1941, 3,000 pounds of grain to the acre earned Bishop the title
"Grain Mart of the Coastal Bend."
The town reached 2,500 people in 1928 but The Great Depression reduced
the population by more than half. By the mid-50s the population had
increased to 4,000.
F. Z. Bishop is buried in the town that he developed. (See photo
of tombstone)
Photo Gallery:
Bishop Texas Landmarks
Bishop Vintage Photos |
Bishop street
TE Photo, 2001 |
Bishop Historical
courtesy Gerald
Massey , October 2010 |
St. John Lutheran
courtesy Gerald
Massey , October 2010 |
St. Paul Lutheran
courtesy Gerald
Massey , October 2010 |
An old hardware
store on Main Street
Photo courtesy Gary L. Oldham, December 2010 |
"Oils and Lubricants"
on another old building on South Birch at Main
courtesy Gary L. Oldham, December 2010
More Texas Ghost Signs |
Fountain on
428 and Main
courtesy Gerald
Massey , October 2010 |
Hotel Bishop
Postcard courtesy Jo Ann Arnold |
Steamplow close-up
Photo courtesy Betty Sue Creech-Perry |
F. Z. Bishop's
Photo courtesy Jo Ann Arnold |
The Search
for Mr. Bishop's Grave
our visit to Bishop in May of 2003 we found one of the remaining
downtown buildings collapsed due to aged mortar. Our purpose for
visiting was to see if we could find the grave of F. Z. Bishop.
We spied two policemen in their cars - obviously exchanging vital
information and / or crime-fighting techniques. We asked for directions
and shortly we were on our way - with a police escort. This was
a first. Even without a siren and only one patrol car; it was nice
treatment. We pulled up to the first cemetery where we got to speak
with officer (badge number 105) who asked if this was the right
It wasn't, but we took advantage of the situation and asked a few
questions about the town of Bishop. Our suspicions were confirmed
- Bishop is a quiet and well-behaved town. "Of course there's a
few bad apples, he said, but we keep an eye on them." The officer
hoped that we'd write something nice about Bishop and apologized
that the mayor wasn't available.
When we asked if he was a native he admitted to being from Los Angeles.
California, not Texas. After being
discharged from the army at Fort Hood where he had served in the
First Cavalry Division (participating in Operation Desert Storm)
he was too late to attend police academy - which for some reason
always seems to be in the fall. He applied where there was an opening
- in Bishop - and he has adjusted well to the lack of excitement
of LA and the Middle East.
We received good directions to the second cemetery, but it was locked
when we arrived at 5:45. That was 15 minutes before the posted closing,
but we figure we can overlook that since everyone in Bishop was
nice and towns shouldn't be judged by early gatekeepers.
We're sure that if we had called ahead the cemetery would've been
open - and who knows? Maybe the mayor would be there.
We thank Ms Jo Ann Arnold for submitting photo of F. Z. Bishop's
tombstone. - Editor
Bishop, Texas
Old photos of Bishop
Found these pictures you might like to add to your article. - Betty
Sue Creech-Perry, March 09, 2006
I was interested
in your short story about Bishop. We moved there in 1957 from California
(my Dad was in the Navy stationed in Kingsville). There I lived
till 1988 raising my kids in a town where "Everyone Knows Your Name",
and kept a eye on everyone else's children. There is a teacher who
made the Guiness Book of World Records for never missing a day of
school. She retired after what seemed to some students as 100 years
only to volunteer at the school. She taught at least three generations.
Bishop produced doctors, lawyers, profession football and baseball
players just to name a few. A small town, with a great school system
- the Proud Bishop Badgers. The High School has a pictorial of all
students graduating from the high school in the lobby for all to
see. If you want to know more, the next time you're in town ask
to speak to Dr. Lee (the local dentist or his wife). Or to talk
with some of the "Old Timers" stop by the VFW. - Betty Sue Creech-Perry,
Corpus Christi, Texas, March 01, 2006
I am looking
for some distant relatives. My great grand mother andgrandfather
moved to Bishop, Texas. John Henry Fuller Jr was my great grandfather's
name and he was struck and killed by lightning in Bishop in 1952.
I was told that my great grandmother moved to Las Vegas after Henrys
death. If anyone could let me know if there are newspapers in Bishop
from 1952, I would be most grateful. Thanks for your help. - Pam
Fuller, Florida, December 06, 2004
I graduated
from Bishop High School in 1971. My husband is a native. It was
a wonderful place to grow up, even though I only spent the 4 years
of high school and my first year of college. I went to nearby Texas
A & I in Kingsville (now Texas A & M Kingsville). People still get
riled about them changing the name.
My graduating class had it's own quirk, in that 3 of our seniors
who went on the senior trip that year, were the offspring of 3 couples
who went on the senior trip 18 years before. The story goes that
all three couples came back pregnant from that said senior trip
of 1953. Ah, the joys of small town America!!!! - Andrea Slough
Kubsch, June 16, 2003
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
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