Beveridge Bridge
Photo courtesy Judy
McBride, November 2005 |
The Beveridge Bridge proudly bears its makers plaque atop the crossbeam:
"Built by the Flinn, Moyer Bridge Co.,Weatherford Tex 1896". Crossing
the San Saba River just north of the city of San
Saba, this single lane, parallel wire suspension bridge is 140'
long with a wood deck supported by three-pole pylons, iron pipes,
rods and castings. Although it had been rebuilt at least three times
over the last century, it was closed to vehicle traffic in 2004 and
a new concrete bridge was built beside it. The nearby Regency
Bridge is now the only suspension bridge in Texas
still open to vehicle traffic. |
Restoration of
this picturesque old bridge, to begin in November of 2005, will be
managed by the Texas Dept. of Transportation, Historic Bridge Preservation
Program. The work will include new concrete foundations, cables, wood
deck and paint. When finished, it will be open to pedestrian traffic
only. The anticipated reopening is summer, 2006.
John H. Beveridge established the first crossing of the San Saba River
at this location for the transportation of local crops to market.
© Judy
"The TxDOT has a project to rehab and restore 10 bridges
throughout the state." - Judy McBride, November 20, 2005 |
bridge builder Flinn-Moyer of Weatherford assembled this unique 140-foot
structure in 1891 using iron pipes, rods and castings. (The three-pole
pylons that are used for structural support were a company invention.)
The bridge, which crosses the San
Saba River just outside of town, is one of only two suspension
bridges, in the state of Texas, that are still used by cars and trucks.
Named for John H. Beveridge, who established the first crossing at
this location for the transport of local crops in to town. Has the
trademark Flinn-Moyer tripod towers with cast-iron saddles supporting
cables of galvanized wire. The towers are linked together by a series
of smaller pipes creating an interesting visual effect.
© Jim
& Lou Kinsey |
Wedding Oak
Photographer Gibson provided this tip: "The
Wedding Oak is right up (down) the road of the Beveridge Suspension
Bridge near San Saba. If you've
been to the bridge, you've passed under this tree." |