County Seat, Texas
33°59'2"N 101°20'14"W (33.983771, -101.337259)
US Hwys 70, 62, State Hwy 20, 207 & FM 784 & 1958
31 miles W of Matador
50 miles NE of Lubbock
27 miles SE of Plainview
35 miles S of Silverton
ZIP code 79235
Area code 806
Population: 2,676 Est. (2019)
3,038 (2010) 3,676 (2000) 3,896 (1990)
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The town was
established by M.C. Williams in 1890.
Floydada is designated county seat in an election against Della Plain.
The County's namesake was Dolphin Ward Floyd, who died at the Alamo. |
The Naming
of Floydada
At one time the
town's name had been Floyd City. There are at least three versions
on how the Ada was added: "Some claim the new name was meant
to be Floydalia and was garbled in transmission to Washington; others
say it was a combination of the county name and that of donor James
Price's mother, Ada; still another version is that it was named for
Caroline Price's parents, Floyd and Ada."
- From the Handbook of Texas Online |
Street, Floydada, Texas
Postcard courtesy www.rootsweb.com/ %7Etxpstcrd/ |
Historical Marker
on Courthouse
of Floyd County
County was created by the Texas Legislature in 1876. The Fort
Worth and Denver City Railway Company began building westward from
Wichita Falls,
resulting in increased settlement of the area. Ranchers T. J. Braidfoot
and J. R. McLain formed a partnership in 1887 to establish a town
they hoped to promote as county seat. Named Della Plain, it
soon boasted homes, businesses, and civic institutions. As more homesteaders
settled northwest of Della Plain, a town named Lockney
was created in 1889. Soon there was rivalry over which town would
be named county seat. In 1890 M. C. Williams and J. K. Gwynn selected
this site for a town called Floyd City. In an election held
on May 28, 1890, the voters chose Floyd City as county seat. Officers
elected were: Arthur B. Duncan, County Judge; John C. Hendrix, County
Attorney; R. T. Miller, County and District Clerk; D. W. Jenkins,
Sheriff and Tax Collector; E. E. Keeley, County Treasurer; L. C. Darby,
Tax Assessor; W. M. Massie, Surveyor; and C. F. Ramsey, T. B. Michael,
W. R. Vandeveer, and B. P. Merrell, County Commissioners. When a post
office was established in September, the name of the town was changed
to Floydada.
(1990) |
Floydada, Texas
Historical Marker
- 401 S. Main, Floydada
First Baptist
Church of Floydada
On July 19, 1891,
The Rev. I. B. Kimbrough and a small group of worshipers met in the
dugout home of Joe Arnold to organize the Floyd City Baptist Church.
The congregation conducted early worship services in the North Side
School building and at the local Methodist church. After the town's
name was changed to Floydada, the church was renamed First Baptist
Church of Floydada. Several traveling ministers served the congregation
during its early years. The Rev. R. E. L. Muncy was called as first
resident pastor in 1897, and he organized the first Sunday School
in 1899. The congregation completed its first frame sanctuary at this
site in 1908. Over the years additional property was acquired and
larger structures were built to serve the growing membership. Throughout
its history, the First Baptist Church has served the community with
a variety of worship, educational, and outreach programs. The members
and pastors have placed an emphasis on both foreign and home mission
activities. The church continues to play an important role in Floyd
County history.
(1991) |
Historical Marker
- 201 W. Kentucky, Floydada
Methodist Church of Floydada
The roots of Methodism in Floyd
County can be traced to the 1880s, prior to the founding of Floydada
and the formal organization of the county. Circuit riding preachers
ministered to pioneer settlers at Della Plain (5 mi. N), and occasional
worship services were held in a general store owned by J. S. McLain.
After the county was organized in 1890 and Floydada was named county
seat, the Northwest Conference of the Methodist Church established
a congregation here. Initially served by The Rev. W. F. Ford, the
membership held worship services in the local schoolhouse. In 1902
a community church was erected in the 300 block of N. Main Street.
Although legally owned by the Methodists, the sanctuary was also used
by other denominations in town. The building was moved to this site
in 1913 and replaced by a red brick structure in 1918. As the congregation
continued to grow, plans were made for larger church facilities. New
buildings were erected beginning in 1953, and the red brick church
was eventually razed. For over one hundred years, the First Methodist
Church of Floydada has served the community with worship, educational,
and outreach programs.
(1990) |
Historical Marker:
Alabama native William P. Daily (1865-1941) and his family arrived
in Floyd County
in 1911, settling briefly in the Muncy community (5 mi. N). After
moving to Floydada to open a feed, coal, and wagon yard, Daily recognized
the need for a hotel here. Construction began in 1912, and the hotel
opened in January 1913, with 21 guest rooms. Catering mostly to traveling
salesmen, Daily transported them from the railroad station in a horse-drawn
buggy, and allowed them to display their wares in the hotel lobby.
The hotel was renamed The Lamplighter Inn in 1964.
Texas Sesquicentennial 1836-1986 |
Chamber of Commerce
114 W. Virginia Street in the City Hall
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Floydada, Texas
A Cafe
in Floydada
In 1957 or 1958 my family had a cafe named Lopez in Floydada. [If
anyone has] any pictures or information on this, it would be greatly
appreciated. I can be emailed at work. Thank you so much. - ahernandez@chckc.org.
- March 05, 2006
I was born and raised in Floydada, left there in 1970, and came
to Pasadena Texas, but there is hardly a day that goes by that something
doesn't remind me of my hometown.
Some of the main things I remember as a kid growing up in Floydada
was the Old Settlers Parade and the festivities that went with it.
We always made sure we had a new water gun and a bean shooter, so
we could squirt the pretty girls and the bean shooters were for
shooting at the people we were not so fond of. Had to do a lot of
running, though.
We used to get up on top of the buildings downtown and watch the
parade go by. I guess I have been on top of most every building
downtown, except the courthouse, but I was up in the bell tower
of the old courthouse that burned down in the 40's once. I miss
Floydada very much. I wish I could have stayed there. All my folks
are still there, out in the cemetery.
One more thing that I remember as a kid were the medicine shows
that would come through town. That was quite a thrill to watch their
minstrel show and laugh at the ones who had all that black smeared
on their faces. They sure sold a lot "get well medicine". I remember
the boxes of candy they sold. Some of them had a winning ticket
inside, most of them did not. They always had the shows set up behind
The Palace Theatre, right close to where Bishop Ford had their used
car lot.
The old courthouse had a tall set of stairs leading up to the front
doors, on both sides of the stairs running from the top to the bottom
was a long run of smooth concrete that the handrails were connected
to, which made a perfect slicky slide. Being the young kid that
I was I shortened the life of a few pairs of Levi's that were hard
to come by.
Another thing that I was wondering about is the old courthouse bell.
It used to be lying on the ground on the west side of the jail house.
One more thing that has stayed with me all these years. This was
in the mid 40's before television. When it came time for the election
of new officials, they would set up a huge blackboard right out
front of the old Hesperian building which was owned by Homer Steen
at that time I believe. On the blackboard they would have the candidates
name listed and the number of votes they were getting. Boy! Times
sure have changed haven't they?
Well those are just a few things that come to mind when I remember
Floydada, I am sure if I sat down and thought about it for a while
I could tell you a lot more tales.
Thanks for the opportunity to share some of the memories with you.
- Eddie Childs, August 11, 2002
More You Must
Remember This
The naming of Floydada
My great grandfather William Thomas “Billy” Cloyd was sheriff of
Matador, Texas and also worked
on the Matador Ranch.
An old family story [was] that his first wife’s name was Floyd and
another wife’s name was Ada. So the town became known as Floydada.
I recently contacted a family member who sent correct and documented
information on his wives' names.His first wife was Floyd Mary Nelson,
from Floydada, who died March 16, 1902. His second wife was Ava
Martin, from Motley County, and they were married July 30,1903.
William Cloyd died six months later in January, 1904.The second
wife being Ava and not Ada means that the names were not used to
name the town. So the family story was just that - a family story.
- Paul Cloyd, August 15, 2004
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