"Three generations...
served in our armed forces."
Photo courtesy Paul Wilhelm, May 2012 |
History in
a Pecan Shell
The town, once
called Antelope, was founded in the early 1890s.
A post office was granted in 1893 and by 1914 the population was a
thriving 25 persons. The population doubled in the mid-1920s and remained
at that level for 40 years. The post office was reported closed in
1960 but has since reopened.
Kent had a population of sixty-five in the late 1960s - falling to
60 by the mid-1970s where it remains today.
Today little is left to interest a tourist - but the juncture of the
two roads provides a sense of place. The lone telephone at least looks
comforting but its condition is unknown. The overpass of I-10 offers
some relief from the scorching sun but it will be sometime before
Kent becomes a destination.
More History & Forum
The closed Chevron
Photo courtesy Paul Wilhelm, May 2012
Still open in
("Love that spot along I-10, my understanding the store was owned
by the Reynolds Cattle Company" - Leticia Diaz, October 21, 2013)
Photo courtesy Barclay
Gibson, June 2007
More Texas Stores
| Texas Gas
Stations |
Kent School ruins
on I-10, 2006
Photo courtesy Brian Brown, January 2006 |
Kent school now
a pile of rubble, May 2022
Photo courtesy Betty Louise, May 2022 |
"Just wanted to give an update on Kent TX and the school. I stopped
by 5/2022 and the school is just rubble now. It looks like it was
torn down between 12/2021 and then, not sure why though. Here's an
updated picture." Betty Louise, September 11, 2022, www.instagram.com/texaninwanderlust
The Post Office
Photo courtesy Paul Wilhelm, May 2012 |
Ghost town - Kent, Culberson
Images of Kent on the north side of I-10 past the post office.
The Chevron station is long closed and there was no sign of anyone
living there. Especially poignant is Photo
1; three generations from the red-roofed house that served in
our armed forces. - Paul Wilhelm |
The road
Photo courtesy Paul Wilhelm, May 2012 |
"The little
red house"
Photo courtesy Paul Wilhelm, May 2012 |
courtesy Paul Wilhelm, May 2012 |
courtesy Paul Wilhelm, May 2012 |
courtesy Paul Wilhelm, May 2012 |
Kent, Texas
The old run
down house pictured in Kent was my mother's home. She also went
to that school in Kent. Her name at time was Frances Canava, now
Duran. Age 94, Still alive in El PASO,TX. - Oscar Duran, February
14, 2022
Nora Boyd, JP
I worked as a Highway Patrol Trooper stationed in Van
Horn and then Pecos
in the early 70’s. Mrs. Nora Boyd was the Justice of the Peace in
Kent. Back before we had the State Violator Compact, all out of
state traffic violators had to be taken before a Justice of the
Peace, immediately. No matter what time of day (or night) we would
call Judge Boyd on our county radio and say we were 10-95 to her
location with a violator. When we got there, she was dressed and
sitting behind her desk waiting to dole out justice. She had one
gentleman ask if she always took the trooper’s side? She said, “Yes,
because my boys don’t lie to me.” And she was 100% correct. Then
we had to drink day old coffee with her before we went back to work.
She was a jewel. - Glenn Wood, Texas Highway Patrol, Retired, February
15, 2015
The Boyds of Kent
My father and his 12 brothers and sisters were raised in Kent, Texas.
My father's name is Claude C. Boyd. He was born in Kent and lived
there many years. When my father returned from the service during
WWII, he
became the teacher of the school that is pictured on the Kent page.
He taught all subjects and all grades together. Among the students
were several of his own brothers and sisters including Howard, Richard,
Joy, Jolly and Jerry Boyd. My father taught there until the Kent
and Van Horn
school districts were consolidated. He worked with the Van
Horn Chamber of Commerce to make this merger happen. He then
drove the bus to get the students to school in Van
Horn and was asked to teach there as well. Each year The Boyd
Family Reunion takes place the last full weekend of June. Kent increases
its population from its traditional 60 to about 120+. during this
time. The Boyd brothers and sisters and their children converge
on this little dot on the map every year to reminisce and spend
time together. We camp or we sleep in the little red house down
the road which by the way, my father helped to build. Some of us
stay in Van Horn
but we all meet in Kent. That place for us is a major attraction
and a place where we find our roots. We listen and tell stories
about the past and talk about our futures. Time always seems to
stand still here in Kent yet time marches on for everyone else.
- Anese Boyd Forsyth, (Daughter to Claude and Frances Boyd), June
14, 2007
Kent, Texas School
A couple of months ago I was returning from a trip I took in my
Volkswagen Bus and stopped for gas and stumbled upon the ruins of
the Kent Public School building and being one who loves old architecture
I took a couple of pictures, some didn't come out but I do have
a couple that you might be able to use. - Brian Brown, March 09,
My family lived
on the Ikins Ranch in the 1950's. We were so far from school that
we had to drive four miles to the BarC, (Dorn Ranch) to car pool
with some of the children there.
We went to school in Kent. There were two classrooms and an auditorium.
We had an enjoyable time. It was great to get to see the other children.
Although I didn't attend school there very long, I was always fascinated
with the building. At that time the service station, general store,
train depot, and a cafe (not open) were in operation. We had to
come into Kent to use the phone at the service station. Also, there
were pens where cattle could be shipped. I believe the Long X cattle
company was the main founder of the town. We also had dances, and
sometimes church services in the old school auditorium. - Kathleen
Carr, February 05, 2005
I lived in
Kent for eight years. My mother worked at the post office and my
father worked at the service station. I went to the school that
you picture . After it closed we had to be bused to Van
Horn. It was a great place to live as a youngster. I have a
lot of memories from Kent. - Jack Horton, July 04, 2004
Escapes, in its purpose to preserve historic, endangered and vanishing
Texas, asks that anyone wishing to share their local history, stories,
landmarks and recent or vintage photos, please contact
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