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Old News
news is good news
Old news is amusing
News Gleaned from the Gonzales Inquirer - 1900
News Gleaned from the Brenham Banner-Press
News Gleaned from the Bastrop Advertiser
Horse is Page 1 Story by Michael Barr 11-22-22
Disturbance on Creek Street by Michael Barr 9-1-22
Arrested for carrying a pistol unlawfully
News in 1920 by Michael Barr 11-15-20
Great Greyhound Hijacking on Route 66 in 1931 by Mike Cox 1-17-20
Bride, He Wore White, How Men Wed in 1953 Waco, Texas by John
Great Ostrich Race by Mike Cox
in Galveston by Mike Cox
Hay in Brooklyn
From the Daily Shreveport Times edition of August, 22, 1873
from interesting to stale to interesting again by Mike Cox
Some of the goings on in West Texas in December 1884 and January
1885 as reported by the newly founded San Angelo Standard...
Newspaper Tree by Mike Cox
Newspaper Blurbs from the Past by Mike Cox
from the Republic of Texas by Mike Cox
A sampling of news items from Texas during its time as an independent
Willie's Picnic by Murray Montgomery
Willie Nelson, for many years, has been regarded as an outlaw in
his music and his lifestyle. No doubt, he attracts many fans — but
he also stirs up feelings in some folks that are somewhat negative
to say the least. Such was the case in Gonzales County in July of
1976. Because you see, Ol’ Willie was coming to town.
and Skeleton by Mike Cox
Drought in Fort Clark and Skeleton in Brackettville...
Monster of Port Isabel by Mike Cox
The monster showed up in the Gulf of Mexico off the small fishing
village of Port Isabel in the summer of 1938. That Aug. 10, in a
short article buried on a back page, the Brownsville Herald devoted
five paragraphs to “the sea monster that is attracting so much attention
in the waters of the Gulf of Mexico.”...
Hinton’s Great Pencil Collection by Murray Montgomery
Back in 1969, The Gonzales Inquirer ran a feature story about a
man named Claude Hinton and his somewhat unique hobby. You see,
Claude collected pencils — over 5,000 of them...
full of historical tidbits by Delbert Trew
Perusing through countless magazines, newspapers and books, both
old and new, turns up numerous interesting tidbits of history.
From The Sky by Murray Montgomery
One story appeared first in the Yoakum Times and the Halletsville
Herald printed it on July 16, 1903. This fascinating piece was about
a fellow named Benedict Manning who was witness to several strange
occurrences during his lifetime...
Horse by Mike Cox
Nothing’s perfect, but occasionally a good writer manages to arrange
the literary building blocks we call words, sentences and paragraphs
in such a way as to surprise and please the reader...
by Mike Cox
Thanks to digital technology and search engines it’s easier than
ever today to read and admire the work of a vanished journalistic
breed – the paragrapher...
Hunt by Mike Cox
When the governor and the state’s highest ranking U.S. Army officer
took time off from their official duties to go turkey hunting together
in the late winter of 1890, the outing did not escape the attention
of the state’s leading newspaper...
Roan Mystery by Mike Cox
On Dec. 13, 1879, the Atlanta Constitution published a brief story
that should have been big news in Texas, but somehow no editor in
the Lone Star state picked up on the Georgia daily’s report. The
story dealt with the purported solution of a 29-year-old mystery
in Central Texas, the disappearance of one John Roan...
off pages offers up the dirt on Times gone by by Delbert Trew
Kansas Historical Society archives contain every issue of the old
Dodge City Times published in the 1870s and 1880s. Browsing the
many articles contained within is interesting and educational as
we learn about the common happenings of that time...
Huntsville Humdinger and the Texas Prison Rodeo by Mike Cox
When the Huntsville Humdinger hit the streets that Monday, the feisty
four-column competitor of the long-established Huntsville Item carried
on page one a humdinger of a local scoop: The prison system would
be starting a rodeo that fall. On Sept. 4, 1931...
in a Bale by Mike Cox
Though most of the ginning is done by brainless machinery, the industry’s
human element has developed a colorful folklore with a range of
subsets. But no ginning story can top the occasional tale of a body
in a bale.
Texas Flood by Mike Cox
The first day it started raining, people took it as good news...
times, they aren't a-changin' by Delbert Trew 8-22-09
Old newspaper clippings reveal the continuity of daily life
scrapes by Mike Cox
Thousands of people die every year in traffic crashes, but the horse
and buggy era had its injurious and fatal accidents as well.
Bits by Mike Cox
Run-of-the-mill news does not have a particularly long shelf life,
but some tidbits from old newspapers stand the proverbial test of
time very well indeed. Herewith some examples...
Memories of Hurricane Carla by Murray Montgomery
The story was from the Associated Press (AP) wire service and it
was titled: "15-Year-Old Boy Describes Loss Of Family In Storm."
And what triggered the bad memory for me was; I knew that boy...
by Mike Cox
Remember way back before the advent of the internet when people
clipped newspapers instead of downloading stories? Way back, newspaper
clippings weren’t even called clippings. People referred t them
as “cuttings.” So, for some lazy summer reading, here are some early-day
“cuttings” from various Texas newspapers...
News of the Odd by Mike Cox
The day may come when the internet forces newspapers to give up
paper distribution, but the human appetite for offbeat news is as
robust as ever, no matter the medium. Herewith some “cuttings” (as
clippings used to be called) and a couple of rewrites from various
19th century Texas or Southwestern newspapers...
Happenings by Mike Cox
Though its masthead proclaimed that the Texas State Democrat held
itself in devotion to “those things which make happiness in the
Texas home, prosperity on the Texas farm and contribute to the development
of Texas resources,” news is news. And news, especially in 1902,
sold newspapers...
the News Mike Cox
A sampling of cuttings from the Dallas Herald shedding light on
what was going on in Texas in the spring of 1890...
News Mike Cox
From the Lone Star State in 1899, an assortment of weird, mostly
fatal happenings - vintage news of the odd...
from Naylor’s Epic-Century: The Illustrated All-Texas Magazine December
1938 issue
from Texas - From Niles’ National Register 1939-1940
News from 1894
News - "Late from Texas" from various 1851-1852 issues
of the Western American, a weekly published in Keosauqua, Iowa
on the head by a Locomotive"
Early Waco Obituaries 1874-1908
Texas, 1887